How to Shampoo & Condition

People assume they know how to properly shampoo and condition their hair, but some are actually doing it wrong. For example some people put way too much conditioner and then they don't wash it out, it makes their hair look oily or flat. Another example is some don't massage the shampoo through their hair enough, so hair is still oily and dirty. Here are the steps to properly shampoo and condition a client’s hair.

Step 1: Get the client all set up

First you’re going to assist your client to the shampoo chair. Then you're going to drape your client up for a wet service. Next you're going to examine the clients hair to make sure they don't have any open cuts, if they do have any open cuts then do NOT continue with the service and have them consult a physician. Also don't forget to brush through the hair before starting. Finally you're going to lean their chair back into the shampooing bowl and make sure their neck fits properly.

Step 2: Wetting the clients hair 

Start by turning the water on and testing the water temperature on your inner wrist. Keep your fingers under the nozzle while spraying the clients hair. You keep your fingers under it to make sure the water doesn't get any colder or hoter. Next soak the clients hair with warm water, run your fingers through the clients hair with your free hand making sure to protect the clients face, ears and neck from the sprayer.

Step 3: Shampooing the hair

Apply a small amount of shampoo starting at the hairline and working your way back, make sure you're only using your finger tips. Continue to the back of the hair shifting fingers about 1 inch at a time. Lift the head with either hand depending on if you’re left handed or right handed; with the non-dominant hand start at the top of the right ear using back and forth movement, and work to the back of the head. Drop your fingers down about 1 inch and repeat the process until the right side of the head has been shampooed. Beginning at the left ear repeat the prior two steps on the left side. Allow the client’s head to relax and work around the hairline with your thumbs. Repeat all the steps until the whole scalp has been thoroughly shampooed. Remove all the extra shampoo by squeezing the hair gently.

Step 4: Washing shampoo out

Rinse thoroughly using a strong spray of water. Lift the hair up at the crown and back to permit the spray to rinse the water until it comes clear. Cup your hand and pat the hair, forcing the spray against the base scalp area (shampoo and rinse again if needed). Lastly squeeze all of the water out of the hair.

Step 5: Conditioning the hair 

Apply conditioner throughout the hair. Next you're going to gently comb the conditioner through, distributing it with a wide tooth comb. Don't forget to massage the scalp. If the conditioner is to remain on the hair for more than 1 minute, as in a deep-conditioning treatment, place a plastic cap on the client’s head and sit the client upright for the recommended time. If heat is required, follow manufacturer’s directions.Rinse the hair thoroughly.  Remove excess moisture from the hair at the shampoo bowl, before the client sits up, by partially towel drying the hair and wiping excess moisture from around the client’s face and ears with the ends of the towel. Lift the towel and drape it over the client’s head by placing your hands on top of the towel and massaging until the hair is partially dry. Ask the client to sit up.

Step 6: Finishing up the client's hair washing 

Clean out the shampoo bowl, remove any loose hair, and wipe out the bowl. Escort the client back to your work station. Once the client is comfortably seated, completely towel dry the hair and, if needed, pin it up and out of the way. Change the drape to keep the client’s clothing dry and then comb the client’s hair, beginning with the ends at the nape of the neck.Now you are ready to proceed with the rest of the service

In conclusion, follow these steps we mentioned above and healthy, beautiful hair will follow. If you want more information, check out the following websites:


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