How to Sanitize Between Clients

Do you know how to properly sanitize a station between clients? If not here are the steps. These steps are very important when it comes to using tools, chairs, capes on clients several times. We don’t want to risk clients getting sick or pass anything if we don’t sanitize any of that. It is a Cosmetologist’s number one priority to keep their clients safe.

STEP 1: Remove Debris 

Use a wipe or cloth to remove any visible dirt or debris from the tool or implement.

STEP 2: Clean

Thoroughly wash the tool with soap and hot water. This includes brushes, combs, shears, etc.

STEP 3: Disinfect 

Submerge tools in an EPA-registered disinfectant.

STEP 4: Rinse, Dry, and Store 

Rinse the implement in hot water, dry with a clean cloth, and store in a closed container.

With CoronaVirus Pandemic that has been going on for almost a whole year, this is one of the most important things you should be doing everywhere. This really helps from things spreading around, we really need to be precautious about what we touch. By doing all these steps we are keeping the workers and clients safe. Adding to sanitizing, clients and workers should always keep their masks on until they get out of the salon.


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